Text input Coding Challenge Answer key
Danger zone, do not proceed unless you gave it your all!
Click me to view the code
const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { TextInputPage } = require('./models/text-input.model')
const myButton = "The Best Button"
test('test updating button', async ({ page }) => {
const textInputPage = new TextInputPage(page)
await textInputPage.navigateToTextInputPage()
await textInputPage.fillInputBox(myButton)
await textInputPage.clickUpdatingButton()
await textInputPage.expectTextInputToBe(myButton)
const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');
exports.TextInputPage = class TextInputPage {
constructor(page) {
this.page = page
this.url = page.goto('http://www.uitestingplayground.com/textinput')
this.inputBox = page.locator('#newButtonName')
this.updatingButton = page.locator('#updatingButton')
async navigateToTextInputPage() {
await this.url
async fillInputBox(text) {
await this.inputBox.fill(text)
async clickUpdatingButton() {
await this.updatingButton.click()
async expectTextInputToBe(text) {
await expect(this.updatingButton).toHaveText(text)